The 8 Golden Rules to Web Site Optimization
by: Harrold Swalve
There are several reasons why you should make web site optimization one of your main priorities and why you should make sure to take this serious. A web site which takes ages to load for example will make your visitors leave before they even had the change to see what you’ve got to offer.
That’s why I want you to take some of your valuable time and check out the 8 golden rules to web site optimization which I have listed here. I can assure you that it will proof valuable to those of you who want to give their visitors an experience they will remember in the positive sense.
1. Content is King
You probably have heard this before but I can assure you it is true. The main reasons why you want to offer decent content is to stand out from the rest. People who visit your website will be presently surprised with the quality of your content and will spread the word for you.
2. Load Time of Your Web Pages
Even though a lot of surfers have access to high speed internet connections you will be surprised what percentage still uses a phone connection and modem to go on line. At least for these people you should make sure your web pages load within 30 sec. using a 56k modem. Don’t forget that most people are impatient and won’t wait for your web pages to load.
3. Create Killer Titles for Every Single Web Page
Your main web page might be the most visited page of your web site and also the one which comes up in the search results most often but you certainly don’t want to forget your other pages.
Imagine you are lucky enough that several of your other web pages show up in the search results. What good does it do if nobody clicks it because of a lousy title. Make sure to include your main keyword of that particular web page into your title.
4. Create a Description Explaining the Content of the Page.
What goes for the title also goes for the description meta tag. You should make sure that every single page has a clear description through which search engine traffic will immediately understand what the web page will be about. Keep in mind that not all search engines display the description in their listings but you still want to get this right for the ones that do.
5. Make Sure Your Internal Links Work.
Nothing is more annoying when visiting a web site then internal links which don’t work. Download links which are not functioning any more, links to internal pages where you get a 404 error message, these are things you absolutely want to prevent at all times if you want to be taken serious.
6. Refresh Your Content on Regular Bases.
Once you have created a web site which invites people to pay you a return visit because of the quality of your web site, you want to make sure that you refresh (update) your content on regular bases. I don’t mean that you should rewrite your complete web site but for a decent web site optimization you might want to include automatically refreshing content like a guestbook, forum, or an RSS feed with articles.
7. Use Only Two or Three Main Keywords Per Page.
A perfectly optimized web site will have every single page optimized for only two or three main keywords. Use these keywords between h1tags, make sure that the keywords (or similar keywords) appear on every two paragraphs of your web page, and make sure your last line of the body text will have at least one of the two keywords embedded.
8. Get as many One Way Inbound Links as Possible.
Reciprocal linking still works but isn’t as valuable for your search engine ranking anymore as it used to be, If you really want to be found in the search engines you need to take your web site optimization to the next level. You’ll have to become the one way link king.
Write articles and submit them to every single article directory you can find. Make sure to place the article on your web site first and slightly change it before submitting it to the article directories.
Submit your website to every single directory your can find. I would advise only to use the ones which accept free submissions. Keep in mind that this will be an ongoing job and that it might take several weeks before your site gets included.
Be inventive and come up with ideas which will help you to get your web site link on other high traffic web sites within your market. Not everything has to be copied; you are smart enough yourself to come up with ideas.
Well, as you probably realized by now, web site optimization truly is an ongoing job and should be taken extremely serious when you want to get listed on the first pages in the search engines and receive all that free traffic.
About The Author
As one of the youngest regional managers ever in the U.K. Harrold Swalve already achieved one success story. After a couple of years in the online industry he again achieved great goals and successes. These days he is a well respected and much sought-after online business expert and has already published a online business bestseller Profit Shockdocs which is available at http://www.Profit-Shockdocs.Com. To learn more about how Harrold can help you achieve your goals with your online business, visit him at and start your own Moneymaking at Home Business.