Friday, November 03, 2006

How To Find The Best Domain Names

by: Tom Takihi

Registering a domain name is a pretty straightforward matter. You find a web hosting site, register with them, look for a desired domain name, select one that suits your business or personal fancy, choose what’s available and then you will be on your merry way to building the website’s innards. Easy, right? Not exactly because there is more to it than just getting a name that is appropriate for the business or a personal preference. The steps mentioned earlier would result in an ill constructed site that is going to be nameless in the world wide web and will be doomed to failure on the get go. This crude way of doing things will get you nowhere fast. Now why would anyone want that?

There is a better approach in making a name for your business or yourself on the net. It will be a presence that will be felt and sensed by your target audience whether they are your customers, prospective clients or a particular group of people. It’s easy enough to do this. You just have to know the right place to go on the web for help. Searching for the right domain for personal use or for a business is job best suited for professionals who understand the significance of internet jargons like keyword density, key phrases, search engine optimization, ranking and tags. What all these means is basically to have your site primed for search engines to find when people put in a search that concerns the subject, business identity or personal matter of your particular website.

Websites that exist for the sole purpose of locating or creating a new domain name for you are very reliable in terms of achieving their goal of increasing the likelihood that your site will come up on top of the list of sites when search engines spews out seek results. These so called domains finders are essential in any enterprise that is bent on achieving an online presence immediately. It is an established fact that search engines churn out sites that have been around for years. In other words, the age of a site does count when it comes to search results. How does this concern your site?

The domain finders are in the know as to which existing domains would not be reregistered or renewed by the current owners. Just imagine if your business coincides with a domain name that has been around for years. You’ll have first dibs with that domain name through a domain finder, in effect, they’ll claim it for you resulting in a well positioned new website with old rankings that will put you on top as quickly as when your site is ready. Another advantage of having a domain finder in your corner is that you can consolidate your entire site building needs from creating or finding a domain to the theme and content of your site. This would mean lesser legwork and lesser expenses since their comprehensive service would cover everything so you won’t end up paying more.

About The Author
Tom Takihi is the owner of the Domains Finders website. To gain more information, please visit

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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Site Development: Extreme Online Marketing

by: Scott Lindsay

The key component to the web's best sites is ‘content’. These netrepreneurs understand the need to provide a professional site that is well developed, informational and error-free. For top websites quality content is essential.

If you have a pit in your stomach as you try to come to terms with how you might develop content for your site there may be a solution.

In the world of online marketing you have to consider the end goal. Once the goal is established, you can either learn the skills to help you reach the goal or bring others alongside to assist you in reaching the goal.

There are certainly plenty of webmasters that can assist in building your website to provide proper function and design. These professionals can provide instruction on how to integrate software applications that may be useful in attaining your goal.

A secondary area of consideration is the development of content. This is increasingly outsourced to the freelance writing community.

What a freelance writer can do for you . . .

1) Listen to you to help gain a clear understanding of what you want your website to achieve.
2) Provide ideas that may help you reach those goals.
3) Integrate content to compliment the overall site.
4) Provide informational articles that are optimized for search engines while still allowing the articles to connect with your visitors.
5) Work with you to develop meaningful product descriptions for your site.
6) Work to provide a comprehensive site tutorial for clients if needed.
7) Work to develop an e-course or e-book that helps inspire a level of trust and interest in your products or services.
8) Develop a series of articles for an ezine or autoresponder.
9) Can provide press releases for developing additional interest in your site.
10) Can provide visitors with the vision for your website through either a 'history' section or an 'about us' section.

A website is a terrible thing to waste. The time and attention you might expend on a business plan is no more important than the execution of your online business.

If you are in need of content for your site and you lack the budget for original material, the use of a free-to-use article service is another means of gaining quality content from experts in your field of interest. There are stipulations for use and more than one person can use the article, but this can be an additional means of providing relevant information to your visitors on a subject of mutual interest.

About The Author
Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of HighPowerSites and many other web projects. HighPowerSites is the easiest do-it-yourself website builder on the web. Get your own website online in just 5 minutes with at:

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Monday, October 30, 2006

Website Building Mistakes You Should Avoid

by: Chris Walker

If you happen to have a website (or plan to build one shortly) this is a must-read. A website should offer customers with useful information that can actually help find solutions to their problems. When I used to search for home businesses, I got sick and tired of poorly designed websites shoving awful products and countless links down my throat; there was no explaining on their behalf and no advice given… all I saw was an “order now” button. A website should offer customers value and convenience because that is what they are looking for.

So you must keep in mind that you are designing a website to help people; not to deprive them of their time and hard earned cash. Many people make the mistake of not having high quality content on their site—and instead they litter their site with links and clunky banners.

Bottom line… quality information comes before all.

Questionable Navigation

Too many sites have dismal navigation setups. This is a huge mistake. Never make the error of having poor navigation on your site that would even make Sherlock Holmes scratch his head. It makes it confusing and hard to surf through (most likely forcing the visitor to leave). Just take a look at my website; it may not have fancy graphics or a slew of irrelevant pictures, but it gives you what you need: valuable information presented with a simple setup. Simplicity ultimately allows visitors to easily find what they are looking for.

I was once (and still am) a customer, so I know what it feels like arriving on a website flooded with link after link… you just don’t know where to click next. You feel paralyzed and never find what you’re searching for.

Unnecessary graphics

You should also try to avoid using graphics unless they are absolutely necessary. Fewer graphics soak up less bandwidth, allowing for faster load times. So unless you absolutely need it, don’t place too much graphics on your page. While heavy pages may not be a problem for those who have broadband, you can’t assume everyone has broadband services--some still have high-speed dial up, and for them it is a pain.

Make them come back for more

Give the customer a reason to come back to your site. You must make every reader of your website remember your site’s uniqueness. Show your personality and make it a great experience for them. Avoid the mistake of coming across as being “too formal” and “boring.”

Other common mistakes Web designers make that should be avoided…

It’s important for you not to spam—this can get you banned from the search engines. You should also keep good records and remain well organized. Always make sure your income (i.e. affiliate commissions, reseller sales, Google Adsense) exceeds expenses (Internet bills, pay-per-clicks, the cost of the computer you own, products you buy to grow your business, web hosting, domain name, etc.).

Never lie to your readers: honesty is the only option.

About The Author
Chris Walker is the owner of: Get all the best advice on great home businesses that really work. Gain access to essential tips and resources. He is the owner of all said material in this article. You can distribute his material on a non-exclusive, royalty-free basis, while he retains full rights to his work. You can use his article as long as you do not change any of the content without his permission.

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Sunday, October 29, 2006

Ecommerce Site Design: Tell Me What You Really Think

by: Scott Lindsay

Site design is a primary determinant in online shopping. If your site looks dated or relies on inferior site design methodology it may be the reason your sales have not grown. Perhaps existing customers are used to the site, but what about new prospects? What impression do they have of your site? What would compel them to come back?

Take some time to research your competitor's websites. What seems to work on their site? What have they done really well? How does this information stack up with your site? What have you learned?

Many ecommerce sites will phase in new site designs every two years or so. There are always new techniques and software applications to assist in the development of something that catches attention and is highly functional.

There is one area you should resist and that's moving forward with a new site design that has been hastily put together simply to give your site a new look. Test the links and the functionality of the site design. Have friends and associates try a beta version of the site to bring to light any flaws in the design. There is nothing worse than pushing a new site design that is riddled with flaws and broken links.

Many sites have enjoyed using Flash design in site development only to discover search engines don't access the information in Flash. While the functionality of Flash is a positive for visitors it may be best to develop a Flash and Non-Flash version of your site so search engines can read your site content.

The use of flashing text or multicolored text should be avoided. The text may get noticed, but generally for very negative reasons. Simple, compact text will provide the best means for visitors to understand what your site is designed to provide. Another reason content is so important is to keep all of your customers in mind. You may have both visually challenged and portable device customers that may use technologies that have space constraints. Many new site designs keep these limitations in mind.

Anytime you are developing an ecommerce site enlist the help of several trusted individuals who are willing to tell you exactly what they think of the site. Honest feedback is important when considering something with as much potential as an ecommerce site. A traditional businessman wouldn't construct a building without consulting an architect so why should online business not strive to enlist the help of others in site development techniques, design and site appearance?

About The Author
Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of HighPowerSites and many other web projects. HighPowerSites is the easiest do-it-yourself website builder on the web. Get your own website online in just 5 minutes with at:

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